Integrating traditional wisdom and innovative technologies
Harnessing the power of nature for holistic curing and healing
About Us
Antenovus is a biotechnology startup company dedicated to providing natural, sustainable, and non-antibiotic solutions for combating microbial infections and related diseases. With innovative university-derived technologies, an internationally acclaimed scientific advisory team, and a board of accomplished directors from diverse backgrounds, Antenovus is fully-equipped to realize its vision of integrating traditional wisdom and innovative technologies to harness the power of nature for ameliorating the livelihood of mankind.
Antenovus values both the knowledge passed down for centuries and state-of-the-art technologies. We firmly believe that the solutions to the numerous biomedical conundrums nowadays have, in fact, always been preserved somewhere in Nature, and that the key to unlock the treasure chests is right in our hands: modern science and technology. Therefore, supported by the most advanced science and technologies available, Antenovus now delves into Traditional Chinese medicine and other natural sources, which may point us to revolutionary approaches to understanding and treating diseases.
We envision a world where diseases will no longer rip lives apart;
a world where everyone can enjoy all the benefits Nature has to offer;
a world where we will truly live in harmony with all creation.
A world called
Shortly after the discovery of the first antibiotic, penicillin, antibiotic-resistance in bacteria already became—and still is—a widely discussed topic in microbiology and medicine. The continuous abuse of antibiotics has provided a comfortable cradle for "superbugs," bacteria which have evolved to become resistant to many antibiotics. Furthermore, antibiotics kill many beneficial bacteria in our body indiscriminately, and the damage done to our health is substantial, and even irreversible. In light of the increasingly limited effectiveness of antibiotics and the heavy burden on healthcare system in tackling infection-related diseases, there is an imminent need for non-antibiotic alternatives.
Staphylococcus Aureus
Our first project is to identify natural compounds which can potentially replace antibiotics in combating infectious and, especially, drug-resistant, bacteria. Instead of killing the bacteria, the compounds we are investigating suppress the bacteria's “virulence” so that they do not impose any harm to us even though they are still living. Since these compounds exhibit antivirulent properties, they are also referred to as "antivirulence agents." Eliminating pathogens' virulence is a key step in preventing inflammation, which is not only crucial in wound treatments but also in lowering the risks of diseases caused by chronic inflammation. More and more studies are even depicting a close linkage between low-grade inflammation of skin and Alzheimer’s, heart diseases and diabetes. Since our skin and overall health become gradually vulnerable to pathogens when we naturally age, protecting ourselves from bacterial toxins and virulence factors is no longer merely a matter for doctors and patients, but literally every single one of us. The natural compounds we are working on will thus offer us powerful protection against bacterial toxins by effectively disabling the "hostility" of bacteria without inducing any form of resistance.
A pathogen's or microorganism's ability to cause damage to a host;
in other words,
More commonly called "S. aureus" or "Staph aureus," a pathogenic bacteria accounting for various kinds of infections, ranging from skin to bone infections. While it is estimated that about one-third of the population are healthy carriers of S. aureus, a considerable
percentage of the rest suffer from diseases associated with this bacteria, including general wound infections and eczema. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a strain of the bacteria resistant to most antibiotics we use nowadays. While MRSA can similarly cause diseases by normal S. aureus, it is also one of the leading causes of severe and even fatal infections in healthcare settings. Thus, non-antibiotic prevention and treatment of S. aureus infections is a critically pressing biomedical issue in our times.